Made for Freedom - End Human Trafficking image
Made for Freedom

Made for Freedom products are made by survivors of exploitation and marginalization.

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Like you, we are troubled with modern day slavery. Dignified employment prevents exploitation and restores dignity for survivors by providing  a good wage, safe workplace, life skills, job training, and dignity from supporting oneself.

Our customers and partners have generated over 15,000 hours of Dignified Employment.

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Made for Freedom Foundation

Human Trafficking Awareness & Empowerment of Advocates

Social awareness is critical to our cause. We are working to educate the public about the causes of human trafficking and exploitation, and then to empower them to help us end this cycle. At Made for Freedom, we provide a variety of opportunities for individuals to get involved in assisting our mission - and we work to educate the masses about the choices they make that may contribute to human trafficking, however unintentionally.

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LK Digital - Helping Local Veterans image
LK Digital

Our family has a long history of military service with veterans from every military branch.

Many of our veterans are suffering with homelessness, mental health issues, and physical limitations.

To do our small part in helping local veterans, a portion of the proceeds from all of our digital products go to charities in our community to help our veterans.

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Empowering Entrepreneurs image
This mission is to simply empower a person's entrepreneurial spirit.

Belonging to several entrepreneurial groups, I have come across a large number of people who want to start their own business from home but have no idea where to start. These people come from many different backgrounds and are looking for ways to be self-sufficient and help to provide a better way of life for their families.

There are many free tools on the internet to help with guidance, but the vast majority are at a loss on where to find free or affordable tools to help them succeed.

People want to learn what it takes to become successful, learn to have the correct mindset, and learn to have the self-esteem to become more than what they ever dreamed of becoming. They want to learn how to operate a business, be competitive, and provide the best service possible for their target market.

Part of this process is mentorship, finding their strengths and weaknesses, and helping them to overcome any obstacles they may face.

Several of us donate our time to help, but we cannot always afford to help them purchase the necessary items for them to flourish.

We seek donations to assist in purchasing coaching and/or mentoring classes, help with website design, help with marketing materials, help with launching their new business, and help with purchasing the business tools needed to become successful!

Let's help EMPOWER these Entrepreneurs!!

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